Workplace Health & Safety Certification
Delivered by a health and safety expert (former long-time Ministry of Labour safety professional), this session is an introduction to key elements that serve as a primer for completing the mandatory (for all Ontario workers) Health and Safety Awareness certificate. The session is full of real-life examples, great visuals and key messages to help workers stay safe on the job.
In a LIVE and INTERACTIVE one-hour online session, participants cover the basics:
- The Occupational Health and Safety Act
- Workplace Rights and Responsibilities
- Five key workplace hazards and how to identify them
- Preventing injuries
- Health and safety committees and so much more
The VIRTUAL program can be delivered to ANY school, workplace or classroom in Ontario. Contact the IEC to make arrangements
- Cooperative Education Students/classes: The content is customized to both meet the Ministry of Education’s Cooperative Education policy requirements for what students need to know about workplace safety BEFORE their placement and to prepare them to complete their Ministry of Labour, Skills Development and Training on-line Worker Safety Awareness certificate.
Post-session, Health and Safety Certificates are earned independently online by each student. Teachers will be provided with the link to the module on the Ministry of Labour’s website in advance of the session to provide to their students.
The certificate can be printed to provide to their teacher as evidence of completion and to their co-op or any employer as evidence of basic awareness. This specific training and certification is required under the Occupational Health and Safety Act for every worker in Ontario.
- Workplace Training Program: The IEC one-hour LIVE virtual session can be expanded and customized to integrate your company’s health and safety policies. A great introduction to work for new employees or a refresher for existing staff.
Sue Boychuk
Sue is widely recognized as an expert in workplace safety for young, new and vulnerable workers. Under her leadership as the lead for Young Worker Safety in Ontario, workplace injuries to Ontario teenagers decreased by 70%. When it comes to student safety education, Sue understands the issues and has designed and implemented major programs including SHSM on health and safety, putting health and safety education into the provincial curriculum from K - 8, cooperative education policy, the It’s Your Job student video contest, and the award-winning Live Safe! Work Smart! resources for Ontario teachers. Sue brings over 30 years of extensive and diverse experience including practical workplace safety experience as a government safety inspector, industrial safety specialist, manager and policy expert.
Presented by:
For further info or to schedule this certification,